Call Change Collection

This page has stemmed from email messages on the change ringers' mailing list. If you have any more to add to the list then please .

Bracketed changes provide a similar effect on other numbers of bells for which the original change was named.

Call Change Collection
Name Change
Archers, The 5713468 [no 2nd]
Barringtons 35271468
Boogie Woogie 2579E641380T
Bowbells 13245768
Burdette 213546, 31247568, (3124586790), 213546879E0T
Emmanuel 15926037E48T
Exploding Hagdyke 43562178
Exploding Tittums 342516, 45362718, 5647382910, 675849302E1T
Hagdyke 341256, 12563478, 3412785690, 1256349078ET
Hereford Octaves/The Octaves 1875296430
Heywood's 1286349750
Inverted Whittingtons 135642E9780T
Jacks 145236, 16745238, 1896745230, 10E89674523T
Jokers 14325, 154326, 17654328, 1987654320, 1E098765432T
Keg Meg 125463
Kennet 153426, 1539742860
Kings (31245), 531246 also Whittingtons, 75312468, 9753124680, E9753124680T
Priory/The Intermediate 132546, 13254768, 1325476980, 132547698E0T
Princes 532146, 75321468, 9753214680, E9753214680T
Princesses 13527468, 1357294680, 135792E4680T
Queens (24135), 135246, 13572468, 1357924680, 13579E24680T
Ripple Tittums 31247568E90T
Roller Coaster 3216547, (14327658), 3216549870, or on 16: 321654987TE0CBAD
Roll-Ups/Back Rounds 43215, 543216, 76543218, 9876543210, E0987654321T
St. Michael's 17652438
See-Saw 321456, 43215678, 5432167890, 6543217890ET
Tittums (31425), 142536, 15263748, 1627384950, 172839405E6T
Weasels 14235
Whittingtons 531246, (12753468), (1234975680), 531246E9780T
Yeovil Octaves 1864297530

I was also sent the following changes which are claimed to be musical or are rung regularly but have no name:

